SP010000 :: Space SP010000 <=> U+0020 # SPACE # (well, 1.6-per-em space; U+F87D in IBM PUA) SP010001 :: 10-Pitch Space SP010001 <=> U+2003 # EM SPACE # (U+F87C in IBM PUA) SP010002 :: 12-Pitch Space SP010002 <=> U+2002 # EN SPACE # (well, 2.5-per-em space; U+F87B in IBM PUA) SP010003 :: 15-Pitch Space SP010003 <=> U+2004 # THREE-PER-EM SPACE SP010007 :: Space, Right-to-Left SP010007 <=> U+202B+0020+202C # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING + SPACE + POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING SP010080 :: Space - Fullwidth SP010080 <=> U+3000 # IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE # (C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 erroneously morphs this GCGID into a second instance of SP010080, yet mapped to U+200B) SP0100Z0 :: Space, Zero Width SP0100Z0 <=> U+200B # ZERO WIDTH SPACE SP020000 :: Exclamation Point SP020000 <=> U+0021 # EXCLAMATION MARK SP020007 :: Exclamation Point, Right-to-Left SP020007 <=> U+202B+0021+202C # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING + EXCLAMATION MARK + POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING SP020080 :: Exclamation Point - Fullwidth SP020080 <=> U+FF01 # FULLWIDTH EXCLAMATION MARK SP021080 <=> U+FE57 # SMALL EXCLAMATION MARK SP030000 :: Exclamation Point, Inverted SP030000 <=> U+00A1 # INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK SP040000 :: Quotation Marks SP040000 <=> U+0022 # QUOTATION MARK SP040080 :: Quotation Marks - Fullwidth SP040080 <=> U+FF02 # FULLWIDTH QUOTATION MARK SP050000 :: Apostrophe SP050000 <=> U+0027 # APOSTROPHE # (per ICU and OS/2 mappings for IBM-1051; if one needs to distinguish from SP050000, one could use e.g. U+02B9 (which IBM-1051 doesn't otherwise include), though no code page uses them contrastively; GCGID section of former IBM Globalisation site is silent here) SP050001 :: Apostrophe, Alternate Representation SP050001 ~~> U+0027 # APOSTROPHE SP050080 :: Apostrophe - Fullwidth SP050080 <=> U+FF07 # FULLWIDTH APOSTROPHE SP060000 :: Left Parenthesis SP060000 <=> U+0028 # LEFT PARENTHESIS SP060001 :: Left Parenthesis, Alternate 1 SP060001 <=> U+2768 # MEDIUM LEFT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT SP060002 :: Left Parenthesis, Alternate 2 SP060002 <=> U+3008 # LEFT ANGLE BRACKET SP060003 :: Left Parenthesis, Alternate 3 SP060003 <=> U+300A # LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET SP060004 :: Left Parenthesis, Alternate 4 SP060004 <=> U+3010 # LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET SP060006 :: Left Parenthesis, Alternate 5 SP060006 <=> U+3016 # LEFT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET SP060007 :: Opening Parenthesis, Right-to-Left SP060007 <=> U+202B+0028+202C # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING + LEFT PARENTHESIS + POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING SP060080 :: Left Parenthesis - Fullwidth SP060080 <=> U+FF08 # FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS SP060081 :: Left Parenthesis, Alternate 1 - Fullwidth SP060081 <=> U+3014 # LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET SP061000 :: Left Parenthesis Superscript SP061000 <=> U+207D # SUPERSCRIPT LEFT PARENTHESIS # (per C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04, contra C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 which uses U+207D) SP061080 :: Left Parenthesis Superscript - Fullwidth SP061080 <=> U+FE59 # SMALL LEFT PARENTHESIS SP061081 :: Left Parenthesis Superscript, Alternate Representation - Fullwidth SP061081 <=> U+FE5D # SMALL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET SP062000 :: Left Parenthesis Subscript SP062000 <=> U+208D # SUBSCRIPT LEFT PARENTHESIS SP070000 :: Right Parenthesis SP070000 <=> U+0029 # RIGHT PARENTHESIS SP070001 :: Right Parenthesis, Alternate 1 SP070001 <=> U+2769 # MEDIUM RIGHT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT SP070002 :: Right Parenthesis, Alternate 2 SP070002 <=> U+3009 # RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET SP070003 :: Right Parenthesis, Alternate 3 SP070003 <=> U+300B # RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET SP070004 :: Right Parenthesis, Alternate 4 SP070004 <=> U+3011 # RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET SP070006 :: Right Parenthesis, Alternate 5 SP070006 <=> U+3017 # RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET SP070007 :: Closing Parenthesis, Right-to-Left SP070007 <=> U+202B+0029+202C # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING + RIGHT PARENTHESIS + POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING SP070080 :: Right Parenthesis - Fullwidth SP070080 <=> U+FF09 # FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS SP070081 :: Right Parenthesis, Alternate 1 - Fullwidth SP070081 <=> U+3015 # RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET SP071000 :: Right Parenthesis Superscript SP071000 <=> U+207E # SUPERSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS # (per C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04, contra C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 which uses U+207E) SP071080 :: Right Parenthesis Superscript - Fullwidth SP071080 <=> U+FE5A # SMALL RIGHT PARENTHESIS SP071081 :: Right Parenthesis Superscript, Alternate Representation - Fullwidth SP071081 <=> U+FE5E # SMALL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET SP072000 :: Right Parenthesis Subscript SP072000 <=> U+208E # SUBSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS # (per GCGID section of former IBM Globalisation site) SP080000 :: Comma SP080000 <=> U+002C # COMMA SP080007 :: Comma Rotated (Arabic) SP080007 <=> U+060C # ARABIC COMMA SP080080 :: Comma - Fullwidth SP080080 <=> U+FF0C # FULLWIDTH COMMA # (per C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04 and GCGID section of former IBM Globalisation site; closest thing (not that close) to superscript use, which is limited to CPGID 363, would be U+2E34; U+F6E2 in Adobe PUA) SP081000 :: Comma Superscript SP081000 <=> U+FE50 # SMALL COMMA SP081004 :: Comma, Small (Chinese) SP081004 <=> U+FE51 # SMALL IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA SP090000 :: Underline/Continuous Underscore SP090000 <=> U+005F # LOW LINE # (no exact Unicode counterpart; UTC lists it as unmappable; mapping is per Apple Big5 and contra non-Apple total mappings (Microsoft Big5, IBM including C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04, WHATWG Big5 and the official CNS 11643 resources) which use U+02CD MODIFIER LETTER LOW MACRON, which is actually SD470000 and solely used by elimination; compare SM620001) SP090001 :: Underline/Continuous Underscore, Alternate Representation SP090001 <=> U+FF3F+F87C # FULLWIDTH LOW LINE + Apple PUA Transcoding Hint Weight Variant SP090080 :: Underline/Continuous Underscore - Fullwidth SP090080 <=> U+FF3F # FULLWIDTH LOW LINE SP098000 :: Underline, Non-Spacing SP098000 <=> U+0332 # COMBINING LOW LINE SP100000 :: Hyphen/Minus Sign SP100000 <=> U+002D # HYPHEN-MINUS # (per C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04, contra C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 which prefers making this yet another U+2212) SP100080 :: Hyphen/Minus Sign - Fullwidth SP100080 <=> U+FF0D # FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS # (U+FFF7D in IBM PUA; U+F6E6 in Adobe PUA) SP101000 :: Minus Sign Superscript SP101000 ~~> U+207B # SUPERSCRIPT MINUS SP102000 :: Minus Sign Subscript SP102000 <=> U+208B # SUBSCRIPT MINUS SP110000 :: Period/Full Stop SP110000 <=> U+002E # FULL STOP SP110007 :: Arabic Full Stop SP110007 <=> U+06D4 # ARABIC FULL STOP SP110080 :: Period/Full Stop - Fullwidth SP110080 <=> U+FF0E # FULLWIDTH FULL STOP # (per C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04 and GCGID section of former IBM Globalisation site; closest thing (not that close) to superscript use, which is limited to CPGID 363, would be U+2E33; U+F6E8 in Adobe PUA) SP111000 :: Period Superscript SP111000 <=> U+FE52 # SMALL FULL STOP SP120000 :: Slash SP120000 <=> U+002F # SOLIDUS # (per GCGID section of former IBM Globalisation site) SP120001 :: Fractional Slash SP120001 <=> U+2044 # FRACTION SLASH SP120007 :: Slash, Right-to-Left SP120007 <=> U+202B+002F+202C # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING + SOLIDUS + POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING SP120080 :: Slash - Fullwidth SP120080 <=> U+FF0F # FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS # (per C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04, contra C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 which uses U+2044) SP120081 :: Fractional Slash - Fullwidth SP120081 <=> U+2215 # DIVISION SLASH # (U+F87A in IBM PUA; U+F76C in Kreative PUA, Catrinity PUA and Nishiki-teki PUA; non-AGL PostScript name "slashsuperior") SP121000 :: Slash Superscript SP121000 <=> U+002F+F877 # SOLIDUS + Apple PUA Transcoding Hint Superscript SP130000 :: Colon SP130000 <=> U+003A # COLON SP130080 :: Colon - Fullwidth SP130080 <=> U+FF1A # FULLWIDTH COLON SP131080 <=> U+FE55 # SMALL COLON SP140000 :: Semicolon SP140000 <=> U+003B # SEMICOLON SP140007 :: Semicolon, Rotated (Arabic) SP140007 <=> U+061B # ARABIC SEMICOLON SP140080 :: Semicolon - Fullwidth SP140080 <=> U+FF1B # FULLWIDTH SEMICOLON SP141080 <=> U+FE54 # SMALL SEMICOLON SP150000 :: Question Mark SP150000 <=> U+003F # QUESTION MARK SP150007 :: Question Mark, Reversed (Arabic) SP150007 <=> U+061F # ARABIC QUESTION MARK SP150080 :: Question Mark - Fullwidth SP150080 <=> U+FF1F # FULLWIDTH QUESTION MARK SP151080 <=> U+FE56 # SMALL QUESTION MARK SP160000 :: Question Mark, Inverted SP160000 <=> U+00BF # INVERTED QUESTION MARK SP170000 :: Left Angle Quotes SP170000 <=> U+00AB # LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK SP180000 :: Right Angle Quotes SP180000 <=> U+00BB # RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK SP190000 :: Left Single Quote SP190000 <=> U+2018 # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK SP200000 :: Right Single Quote SP200000 <=> U+2019 # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK SP210000 :: Left Double Quotes SP210000 <=> U+201C # LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK SP210001 :: Left Double Quotation Mark SP210001 <=> U+301D # REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK SP210002 :: Left Double Quotation Mark, alt (Japan NEC) SP210002 ~~> U+301D # REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK SP220000 :: Right Double Quotes SP220000 <=> U+201D # RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK SP220001 :: Right Double Quotation Mark SP220001 <=> U+301E # DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK # (used in CPGID 835 ECPs) SP220101 ~~> U+02BA # MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME SP230000 :: Left Lower Double Quotes SP230000 <=> U+201E # DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK SP230001 :: Low Double Prime Quotation Mark SP230001 <=> U+301F # LOW DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK SP240000 :: Top Parenthesis (Chinese) SP240000 <=> U+FE35 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT PARENTHESIS SP240001 :: Top Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 1 SP240001 <=> U+FE39 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET SP240002 :: Top Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 2 SP240002 <=> U+FE3F # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET SP240003 :: Top Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 3 SP240003 <=> U+FE3D # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET SP240004 :: Top Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 4 SP240004 <=> U+FE3B # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET SP250000 :: Bottom Parenthesis (Chinese) SP250000 <=> U+FE36 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT PARENTHESIS SP250001 :: Bottom Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 1 SP250001 <=> U+FE3A # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET SP250002 :: Bottom Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 2 SP250002 <=> U+FE40 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET SP250003 :: Bottom Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 3 SP250003 <=> U+FE3E # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET SP250004 :: Bottom Parenthesis (Chinese), Alternate 4 SP250004 <=> U+FE3C # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET SP260000 :: Left Lower Single Quote SP260000 <=> U+201A # SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK SP270000 :: Left Angle Single Quote SP270000 <=> U+2039 # SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK SP280000 :: Right Angle Single Quote SP280000 <=> U+203A # SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK SP300000 :: Required Space SP300000 <=> U+00A0 # NO-BREAK SPACE # (U+FFF9C in IBM PUA) SP3000H0 :: No-break space - Halfwidth SP3000H0 ~~> U+00A0 # NO-BREAK SPACE # (non-AGL PostScript name "spacenumeric") SP310000 :: Numeric Space SP310000 <=> U+2007 # FIGURE SPACE # (per GCGID section of former IBM Globalisation site) SP320000 :: Syllable Hyphen SP320000 <=> U+00AD # SOFT HYPHEN # (per both C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 and C-H 3-3220-126 2016-04, although C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11 actually contains both with the same GCGID (U+2010 is the one included in Shift JIS and the smaller version of Host Code though)) SP320080 :: Syllable Hyphen - Fullwidth SP320080 <=> U+2010 # HYPHEN SP320300 :: Syllable Hyphen (Hebrew) SP320300 ~~> U+00AD # SOFT HYPHEN SP330000 :: Double Exclamation Points SP330000 <=> U+203C # DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK SP340000 :: Top Brace Chinese SP340000 <=> U+FE37 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CURLY BRACKET SP350000 :: Bottom Brace Chinese SP350000 <=> U+FE38 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET SP360000 :: Chinese Top Bracket SP360000 <=> U+FE41 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CORNER BRACKET SP360001 :: Chinese Top Bracket, Alternate Representation SP360001 <=> U+FE43 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET SP370000 :: Chinese Bottom Bracket SP370000 <=> U+FE42 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CORNER BRACKET SP370001 :: Chinese Bottom Bracket, Alternate Representation SP370001 <=> U+FE44 # PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET SP490000 :: Korean Fill (NULL) Character SP490000 <=> U+FFA0 # HALFWIDTH HANGUL FILLER SP490080 :: Korean Fill (NULL) Character - Fullwidth SP490080 <=> U+3164 # HANGUL FILLER # (Non-AGL PostScript name same as GCGID. Mapping to U+303F is per ibm-944.ucm, ECPs for CPGIDs 897, 904, 1041 and 1043, and the description "DBCS Fill Character". Shape of "SP500000" in OS/2 PostScript fonts is more typical of U+2612 which, however, is listed simply as U0002612 (as opposed to e.g. SP500080 or SP500081) in C-H 3-3220-024 2002-11.) SP500000 :: Box X (DBCS Fill Character) SP500000 <=> U+303F # IDEOGRAPHIC HALF FILL SPACE SP5300Z0 :: Non-Joiner, Zero Width SP5300Z0 <=> U+200C # ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER SP5400Z0 :: Joiner, Zero Width SP5400Z0 <=> U+200D # ZERO WIDTH JOINER SP5500Z0 :: Left-To_Right Mark, Zero Width SP5500Z0 <=> U+200E # LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK SP5600Z0 :: Right_To_Left Mark, Zero Width SP5600Z0 <=> U+200F # RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK SP5700Z0 :: Left-To-Right Embedding, Zero Width SP5700Z0 <=> U+202A # LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING SP5800Z0 :: Right-To-Left Embedding, Zero Width SP5800Z0 <=> U+202B # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING SP5900Z0 :: Pop Directional Format, Zero Width SP5900Z0 <=> U+202C # POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING SP6000Z0 :: Left-To-Right Override, Zero Width SP6000Z0 <=> U+202D # LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE SP6100Z0 :: Right-To-Left Override, Zero Width SP6100Z0 <=> U+202E # RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE