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I have only limited information about the following entities:

Content and/or layout of planes (CPGIDs)

Charts or indices for the following CPGIDs are unavailable:

Content of repertoires (GCSGIDs)

Charts or indices for the following GCSGIDs are unavailable:

GCSGIDs for CCSIDs (maximals for CPGIDs for given ESID)

The following CCSIDs are fully known, but the GCSGID numbers of their repertoires are not:

Encodings (CCSIDs)

For the following CCSIDs, neither Unicode mappings for them, nor charts or indices for their plane(s) and/or repertoire(s), are available:


While I have sources for CCSID 877 (T1000877), I do not for the larger version of CPGID 877, which has the AFP name T1E00877 and presumably implements GCSGID 1502.